皆様こんにちは! Hairmakeの上中です! ご結婚式当日、お仕度部屋では様々な想いにかられます。 “ゲストのみんなはちゃんと来てくれているかな?” “ウェルカムスピーチに謝辞…” “お手紙をちゃんと読めるかな…?” 期待と同じくらい不安もたくさんあるものです。 ですが、ふと顔を上げて鏡に映るのはいつもと違う自分。 キラキラした肌に純白のドレス、ブーケからはなんだかいい香り… パリッと決まったタキシード! 完成が近付くにつれ、きっと挙式が待ち遠しくなるはずです。
お支度部屋はお二人の心をつくる大切な場所です。 チャペルへ向かう、その時まで人生に一度きりの緊張もワクワクもじっくり感じてください! そして当日はお二人の側でヘアメイクスタッフがフルサポートで晴れの日をお手伝いします!
さあ、ますます当日が楽しみですね♪ Hello, everyone. I am Uenaka of Hairmake! You are seized with various thought in the wedding ceremony day, the preparations room. Does everybody of the “ guest come properly? It is an address of gratitude in "“ welcome speech…Do you understand "“ your letter properly?…? " There is a lot of uneasiness almost as same as expectation, too. But there is oneself unusual there when you put up a face and watch a mirror. The dress which is snow-white on shining skin. I somewhat smell good from a bouquet. As completion of the outfit approaches, surely a wedding should become long in coming. A dressing room is an important place creating the heart of two people. When you go to the chapel, please feel feeling of strain and excitement of life 1 degree slowly and carefully! And the hair make staff helps with a fine day in a full support onthat day in the side of two people! You come to look forward to the day of the wedding ceremony more and more.